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Ms. Catherine Carson

Concord College of Canada is a private high school committed to providing students with an exemplary educational experience. As the Principal and leader of the school, I share three decades of experience in teaching, coaching, mentoring and instructional leadership with my staff. I am extremely passionate about education ...

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Home - Admissions - Senior School
Grades 9-12
This information is designed to guide families through the application process at Concord College. Here are the steps to take if you are applying to Grades 9 and higher:
Plan a visit
Visiting the school is an essential part of your research. There are many ways to see the school.
  • Attend Concord College's Senior School Open House on Wednesday, October 30, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. and 5:00-7:00 p.m.
  • Take a student-led tour between November and February.
Submit an application
Apply early! 
Submit an application to the school anytime in the fall of the year preceding entry.
The Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT) does NOT need to be completed before the interview. Concord College does NOT use this test as a screen.
Your 5 steps for applying:
  1. A completed online application
  2. Application fee of $200
  3. Recent report cards: the most recent report card plus the final report cards from the two previous years
  4. Any other pertinent educational information that might assist the school in understanding the student's history (e.g. an educational assessment)
  5. The Student Profile section of the online application, completed by the student
For Local Students
Within two weeks of submitting your application, you will be contacted by the Admissions office to arrange your interview. During the interview, you will meet at least one member of the Admissions team. You will receive a customized tour, led by a student. Students are interviewed alone, then the family is invited to spend time speaking with the Admissions representative.
Plan to be at the school for two hours. No special preparation is necessary for the interview.
For International Students
You might be scheduled for a VIDEO or TELEPHONE interview. It will take no more than 30 minutes. The Students Do Not Need a special preparation.