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Students’ safety is our priority in all circumstances. We assure the safety of students from the moment they land in Canada to departure to visit their family.
As required by Canadian Immigration Law, minor students under the age of 18 who come to Canada without a parent or legal guardian, must have a Canadian permanent resident or citizen as their custodian. Concord College provides Custodianship services, which legalizes a staff member to act in place of a parent should any medical or legal emergencies arise.
Concord College assigns experienced driver to pick up students from the Pearson Airport, making sure they safely arrive to our school and start their academic journey in Canada. Furthermore, we have installed surveillance cameras throughout our campus to ensure we are providing a safe environment for all students, faculty staff and visitors. The cameras are monitoring 24 hours a day. Students can only gain access to entrance through the main entrance with their student cards.
The homestay coordinator consistently monitors host families and assists in dealing with any concerns. Students' after school activities would be reported to school regularly.
School presets individual financial account to each student which ensures that no purchase is made on campus. School prepares healthy meals to assist with students’ healthy diet and we will send the bills to parents or legal guardian directly.