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Ms. Catherine Carson

Concord College of Canada is a private high school committed to providing students with an exemplary educational experience. As the Principal and leader of the school, I share three decades of experience in teaching, coaching, mentoring and instructional leadership with my staff. I am extremely passionate about education ...

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Home - Services - Homestay
Homestay is also an optional residence. One of the most attractive features of home-stay is the cultural immersion. Depending on the level of involvement that you choose to have with your host family, homestay can present a good opportunity to enjoy the realities of daily life in the new country. Hosts will cook your local food and you will have an insider’s invitation to events and parties. This is great for learning the Canadian culture and be fully emerged in the new culture. We have assigned pre-screened Canadian families based on hosts’ education, occupations, and living habits.
We do our best to help our students integrate into their new homes abroad as smoothly as possible.